The Sensible School Choice with a Biblical World View!
Small Classes
Personal Attention
Safe Environment
Christian Values
Homeschool Oversight
4098 Skyway
P.O. Box 1821
Magalia, California 95954
(530) 873-1412; fax: (530) 873-3455
2022-2023 Pines Academy PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK
Click Here to Download and Print – 2022-2023 Pines Academy Parent-Student Handbook
Statement of Purpose
The educational philosophy of Upward International Schools (UIS)-Pines Academy Campus is based on the Bible as the authority for our curriculum, for evaluating truth, for determining practices, and as a basis of our faith. Our goal is to teach a Biblical worldview and to train children for a life of service within a school environment of academic excellence.
Mission Statement
UIS-Pines Academy exists to “provide a strong Biblical foundation and academic excellence within a Christian environment that will prepare students to impact the world for Christ.”
Philosophy of Education
The Bible exhorts people to, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
As a result of this teaching, the student will be able to interpret and integrate biblical foundations and truth, honorably applying his or her own God-given abilities and personality. Students will be taught the value of citizenship by understanding biblical concepts of freedom, human dignity, and authority. These skills will better equip the student to live and work with others at home, school, church, and in a changing society, thus becoming a committed servant and leader.
Faculty and Staff
Our faculty and staff are dedicated to model the life of Christ in their everyday walk. Our teachers are the embodiment of our school’s beliefs and values. They are spiritually mature, well-qualified people who focus on academic excellence.
School Affiliation
Upward International Schools-Pines Academy is based in Northern California, USA. Its sister school is Upward Learning Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Admission Philosophy and Guidelines
1. At least one or both parents/guardians must fully agree with and strive to live by the Upward International Schools Statement of Cooperation.
2. Prior to admittance, each student will be screened for academic strengths and weaknesses.
3. Parents/guardians must abide by the financial agreements to which they have committed as part of the admission process.
4. It must be understood that attendance at Upward International Schools is a privilege and not a right. This privilege may be forfeited by any student and/or parent who does not conform to the school’s standard or conduct and/or who is unwilling to adjust to the environment.
5. UIS—Pines Academy admits students of any race, nationality, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school and is non-discriminatory in its policies and practices.
6. Pines Academy reserves the right to select students based on religious commitment, academic performance or readiness, lifestyle choice, volunteer capabilities, and a willingness to cooperate with Pines Academy administration and policies. It is necessary, as part of the admission process, for parents to sign Pines Academy’s “Statement of Cooperation”. Policies
Classroom Behavior
Students are expected to respect the authority of teachers and follow classroom rules at all times. Unless otherwise instructed, students will raise their hands to be recognized before speaking. There will be no note passing in class, and there will be no running in the buildings.
Personal and Social Behavior
Pines Academy students are to be honest and to exhibit kindness and respect for others. Students will not use profanity or disrespectful language. Wholesome friendships are encouraged between boys and girls; consequently, hand holding, kissing, or any other bodily contact is not permitted at any time while on campus or at Learning Center events.
It is expected that each student will maintain a high standard of personal conduct. Parents will be informed when unusual circumstances requiring discipline arise. Teachers follow specific steps when classroom discipline is necessary:
1. Student will be asked to stop what he/she is doing.
2. If the student continues to misbehave, he or she will be asked to leave the room and do his/her work isolated in the hallway.
3. Further discipline will be referred to the Academy administrator and parents for action.
Substance Abuse Policy
Pines Academy does not condone tobacco, alcohol, and drug use among our students. Such actions are detrimental to student health, demoralizing to other students, and reflect negatively on families and on Pines Academy. Students are not to use or possess tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs of any type on campus or in the community as long as they are enrolled in Pines Academy.
In consultation with parents/guardians, students found in violation of this policy may be suspended from classes, with loss of credit for classes missed during suspension. Repeated offenses could result in dis-enrollment from Pines Academy.
Dress Code
Pines Academy does not require a school uniform; however, students are expected to dress appropriately:
1. Capris length pants are acceptable.
2. Dresses/skirts must go to knees or below.
3. Shirts must have sleeves covering shoulders.
4. Girls’ chests must be covered modestly.
5. No midriffs showing.
6. Boy’s pants must be worn at the waist.
7. No lip, tongue, or nose rings may be worn to school.
8. Teachers and staff have the final word on “appropriate” dress.
Electronic Devices
Students will be allowed to bring cell phones to school so they can reach their parents in cases of emergency. However, cell phones and other electronic devices will be left in the “off” position upon arrival at school. Devices that are used for other than school work will be confiscated. Students may pick up their electronics at the end of the school day. Electronic devices include e-readers, cameras, computers, cell phones and so forth.
Pines Academy does not provide meals for students. Please send nutritious food with your student every day. Students learn and behave better when they are not hungry. There will be two breaks in the school schedule for eating.
The Pines Academy campus is closed; consequently, students will not be allowed to leave campus to make purchases during the school day. If you send money with your student to go to the store, they must accomplish that before being dropped off at school.
1. Obtain an application packet online or from the school office.
2. Read the entire Pines Academy Handbook.
3. Complete the Statement of Cooperation and all other admittance documents.
4. Return the completed forms to the Academy office, and make an appointment for a student/parent meeting with the school administrator.
5. Provide documentation of student’s health records and required immunizations.
6. Provide copies of custodial agreements when such legal documents are in place.
7. Pay the required registration and tuition fees.
Tuition and Fees
As a reflection of godly and excellent scholarship, the Upward International Schools administration works diligently to maintain minimal educational expenses as stipulated in the “Financial Obligation Agreement.”
Students are expected to arrive at school and be in class on time each day! Unexcused tardiness as well as absenteeism will affect students’ grades and possible result in dis-enrollment. For an absence or tardiness to be excused call the school office (530-873-1412) before school daily.
Excused Absences
Regular attendance is a critical component for success in school. Parents are requested to schedule family vacations during school vacation periods. A student is expected to be in attendance except when ill or when unable to attend because of emergency circumstances or a death in the family. When students are absent from school, it is critical that proper arrangements are made for the absence and the responsibility is taken for appropriate reentry into school.
In order for an absence to be excused for any reason, the parent must notify the school. A telephone call the day of the absence is preferred, but a written note the first day back in class is acceptable as long as the note includes the date returning, child’s name, dates absent, and the reason for the absence. School work that is missed will be allowed to be made up for excused absence.
An absence is not automatically excused because a parent gives written or oral permission for the student to be gone from school. Parents may respectfully disagree regarding the legitimacy of an absence when weighted against the benefits of attendance; however, the final decision as to whether an absence is considered excused or unexcused rests with the school administrator.
Unexcused Absences
Any absence for which the school does not receive appropriate notification will be unexcused, and there will be no allowances made for missed work.
Prearranged Absences
Parents must notify the school office in writing of any prearranged absences. Arrangements will need to be made with the student’s teacher for school work that will be missed.
The Pines Academy’s curriculum is academically excellent and honors our Christian heritage. It helps prepare students for higher learning and to impact the world for Christ: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19,20).
Pines Academy provides an education that gives students a biblical worldview. Students begin each day with Biblical Studies.
The A Beka Book curriculum, published by Pensacola Christian College, is the primary base of our school materials for communication arts (a strong phonics based program), math, science, history, geography, and health. This curriculum integrates academic development (with God at the center of each individual course) with Christian character building (to obey, to do right, and to love God and country). Students must demonstrate an appropriate degree of success in the classroom in order to be given opportunities to participate in other aspects of school life.
Co-curricular activities are offered in a variety of skills and arts designed to broaden the academic experience through participation and skill development. Transcript credit for outside instruction may be applied toward graduation upon application.
Flash Drive Requirement
Each student with access to school computers is required to have a flash drive. Any personal or work files need to be saved daily to their flash drives. Lab computers do not save student work. Having a flash drive will remove much stress from students, as often files are accidentally deleted or misplaced.
Graduation Requirements
In grades 9-12, the core curriculum courses, such as English and math, are two semesters in duration and offer 10 units of credit when successfully completed i. e. five (5) units per semester; 2.5 units per quarter. Zero units are earned when an F grade is recorded, and failure of a required subject necessitates repeating the class.
Two hundred-thirty (230) units of credit must be earned to graduate from UIS-Pines Academy. Listed below are the required course requirements for graduation:
Biblical Studies…………………………………………………. 40 units
English……………………………………………………………… 40 units
Foreign Language……………………………………………… 20 units
Social Studies/History………………………………………..40 units
Math………………………………………………………………….30 units
Science………………………………………………………………20 units
Electives…………………………………………………………….40 units
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued quarterly.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
A student may be placed on academic probation when receiving two D’s or an F in any grading period.
Students on academic probation and their parents will be required to meet with the principal and teacher to devise a plan for improving their performance. During this conference the following areas will be discussed:
1. Factors that are negatively impacting the student’s academic performance
2. Steps will be outlined for dealing with the factors identified
3. Goals will be established to measure the student’s progress
4. Academic contract will be written, which the student/parent/guardian will sign
If a student remains on academic probation for more than two consecutive semesters, he or she may be dismissed from Pines Academy or held back a grade. Individuals will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Grading Scale
The following grading scale is used for report cards and transcripts:
100-98% A+ Excellent
97-94% A Excellent
93-90 % A- Excellent
89-87% B+ Superior
86-84% B Superior
83-80% B- Superior
79-77% C+ Satisfactory
76-74% C Satisfactory
73-70% C- Satisfactory
69-67% D+ Improvement Needed
66-64% D Improvement Needed
63-60% D- Improvement Needed
59-0% F Unsatisfactory
Excessive absenteeism, tardiness, and poor classroom deportment may have direct influence on a student’s grade.
Teachers may assign homework to aid students in the progress of their studies. These assignments are useful to reinforce daily lessons, to build good study habits, and to provide opportunity for parent involvement in student learning. We encourage parents to provide a suitable environment for the completion of homework. Parents are urged to monitor their student’s work, which will help the student be responsible in returning completed homework on time. Parents should make a point to find time each day to discuss what their child has learned in school.
General Information
Parent/Student Handbook and Revision
This Parent/Student Handbook is reviewed annually by Upward International Schools, at which time necessary revisions are made. We reserve the right to change policy at any time at our discretion
School Hours
School for most students will begin each day at 8:00 AM and end at 1:30 PM.
School Office Hours
School office hours are from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM.
Campus Visitors
All Academy visitors are required to check in with the school secretary when arriving on campus. Under no circumstances are visitors to interrupt classroom activities or interact with students during the school day prior to discussing their visit with the secretary or administrator.
Teacher/Parent Conferences
Conferences between parents and teachers are scheduled as needed.
Change of Address/Custodial Arrangements
Parents/guardians must make every effort to inform the school secretary of changes to student addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, or custodial arrangements.
Field Trips
Each student must have a “Consent to Participate, Release, and Medical Authorization” on file before participating in Academy field trips and extracurricular activities.
Only telephone messages left by parents/guardians will be given to respective students—and then only during break time unless an emergency arises. Messages left by friends of students will not be relayed to the respective student.
School Closure Information/Early Dismissal
In case of weather or other emergencies that might necessitate students being dismissed early from school, every attempt will be made to alert parents. However, parents should insure in advance that the student has a procedure to follow for early dismissals.