About Upward International Schools
Upward International Schools was formed in the late 90’s for the purpose of providing a quality education with a Biblical worldview.
We aspire to provide quality education in an environment that stimulates innovation, creativity, and character in students worldwide. Our highest goal is to allow students of any age and circumstance to build a life on a Biblical foundation.
We pride ourselves in being able to offer equity in education. Most educational systems practice equality, which means that every student gets the same things, the same lessons, the same attention, the same opportunities. We have always been a mission minded school that is willing to accept almost any student or situation based on our abilities. With that practice we needed to perfect a different style of education. Educational equity is a process of assessing and determining where every student is in their academic journey and providing whatever they need in order to get every student to the same goal. This is much like the one room schoolhouse approach of old. We train our teachers to use all of the learning styles when delivering content and have multiple levels of the same information so that students who are behind will understand and students who are ahead can continue to excel.
We have been providing educational opportunities for children, youth, and adults in this format for over 20 years. Further, we believe it is important to interconnect Christian schools, learning centers, and home school groups for mutual understanding among many nationalities and cultures. In one of our partner learning centers, 100 students, spanning nine nations and 6 native languages are represented.
Internationally, our inclusive education is providing hope for families of special needs students from a wide spectrum of differing abilities. We are enlightening a generation of families to the incredible minds of the cerebral palsy students and the focus of the autistic child in countries where these students are formerly shunned.
We bring to the table forty years of experience in planting schools and churches in the United States and around the world. Recovery ministries have been able to provide education for their adult residents needing to build a new life that is employable, sociable, and Christian. Our staff provide professional development to UIS partners as well as consultation for groups desiring to provide education ministries. Upward International desires to partner with those vision minded people with a Biblical worldview.
Our office is located on Pines Academy campus in Magalia, California. There we maintain the permanent academic records of all Upward International Schools’ students worldwide allowing students to acquire an American based high school diploma.
On a personal note: 
Allow me to briefly introduce myself. I am Doug Crowder, Head of Schools for Upward International Schools. I have been starting churches and schools for 40 years. Having traveled and served in over 30 countries, I am excited to have the opportunity to share the gospel through the ministry of education wherever the Lord leads.
Along the way, I served as a field rep for Pensacola Christian College and Abeka Book. Abeka books have been our foundation in Christian Worldview Education since 1982. I have been involved in the homeschool movement in the U.S. as well as serving missionary families in the education of their children around the world.
I am available, as much as humanly possible, to consult churches, ministries, and homeschoolers as you follow God’s leadership through education.
In His Service
Doug Crowder