Our curriculum choices represent our Biblical foundations, enhance our ability to provide equity in education, drive our students to new heights of excellence and understanding, and equip them to succeed in an ever changing and developing world. We are so passionate about ensuring each student receives what they need to excel that we even write our own curriculum across different campuses to fill the gaps that standardized materials cannot provide, while maintaining our standards of academic excellence. One of our new partners in this venture is Google’s G Suite for Education that enables us flexible and adaptive administration, ease of communication, online and distance learning and most of all, creativity and collaboration in the classroom.
The ABeka approach to education keeps learning lively, interesting, and memorable. Our materials reflect sensible theory that is firmly anchored to practicality. Skilled researchers do primary research in every subject. Thus the publications are built upon a firm foundation of absolute truth and sound scholarship. For excellence in education, you can trust ABeka Publications.
Biblical worldview -Today’s students need to be taught the accumulated wisdom of the past from a Biblical worldview so they will have a firm foundation from which to evaluate the present and make proper decisions for the future.
– The means by which each person may learn for himself
Because children become what they read, they need character-building reading materials from the very beginning. We employ Phonics as the most logical, orderly way to introduce reading to children. Beautifully illustrated and imaginatively written, ABeka readers are the finest available anywhere. Stories are carefully selected for interest, readability, theme, and values, with questions throughout to guide students in comprehension of reading material and in application of valuable principles to their lives. Noah Webster believed the main reason for learning to read well was to read the Bible.
-It is important to know the truth of history in order to avoid its mistakes.
The Story of the World and the Well-Trained Mind curriculum are presented as a result of the search for a World History that spans all time and distance. History books are nearly always indicative of the hemisphere in which they are written. In America, history books are Euro-centric and while our American campuses are highly patriotic we recognize the value of teaching students the rest of the world and its cultures. Geography and the history of all civilizations prepare students to analyze and value all peoples of the world. This is a study that is appropriate to all our international schools. Comparative Government offers students an opportunity to think and make decisions on a high level of political and economic thought.
The study of logic, problem solving, and order to apply to science and daily life
A Beka provides attractive, legible, and workable traditional mathematics texts. Besides training students in the basic skills needed for life, we teach students to believe in absolutes, to work diligently for right answers, and to see mathematical facts as part of the truth and order built into the real universe.
Marshall Cavendish/Singapore Math develops even young children in the process of mathematical thinking. Practical and visual development prepares students to use processes and facts to solve everyday situations. Marshall Cavendish is the world-wide leader in Singapore Math publications.
The investigation of variety, order and reasonableness revealed in creation
A Beka Science presents the universe from a Biblical worldview exploring the mysteries of creation while applying observed history of our world. We not only develop the curiosity of students but also prepare them for the entire realm of science, health, chemistry, and physics with the tools to challenge the world ahead.
Thought and language are foundational to acquiring and transmitting knowledge.
Therefore, the teaching of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, composition, speech and literature in education is of particular importance. Grammar books emphasize structure, rules, analysis, and the kind of practice that aims at mastery. This is why we place an importance on correct spelling and the continual enlargement of each student’s vocabulary. This is why we aspire to provide students with examples of the literature of the ages, and this is why we emphasize the continual improvement of writing abilities.
Our international schools are skilled at Teaching English as a Foreign Language.